Lowongan Accountant & Daycare Assistant di Kinderstation - Yogyakarta
Selasa, 21 Februari 2017
bursa lowongan kerja yogyakarta,
lulusan D3,
lulusan S1,
lulusan SMA / SMK,
lulusan SMP,
Kinderstation Daycare was founded by F.R. Avi Sariantina and D.W. Herry Susanto in 2007. It was F. R. Avi Sariantina’s who first thought of building an English speaking daycare which will give consistent learning experience in English for her son and other children in Yogyakarta. She realized that the golden age children can easily learn new languages. She wanted the children to learn practical life skills which help them to become independent, even when the parents leave them for work. First, she just wanted to open a garage daycare until her father, Sudarmaji, decided to support her. Her success in applying Glenn Doman’s method of teaching reading to her son, gave the idea to apply this method in the daycare. Later she met Herry Susanto who shared the same passion. They envisioned a place where children can get the best education, and which contributed significantly to the children’s preparation for the promising yet competitive world ahead. Working in cooperation with Detty Aryanti, Kinderstation’s curriculum was first developed based on best practices of early childhood education in the US and Europe.
Kami membuka lowongan untuk posisi sebagai berikut:
1. ACCOUNTANT – 2 Posisi
- Laki-laki / Perempuan
- Min. D3 Akuntansi
- Usia Maksimal 30 Tahun
- Belum Menikah
- Menguasai Basic Laporan Keuangan dan Pajak
- Rajin, Teliti, dan Kreatif
- Perempuan
- Usia Minimal 19 Tahun
- Menyukai dunia anak-anak
- Sabar dan Penyayang
- Berpengalaman sebagai pengasuh/baby sitter lebih diutamakan
Jl Laksda Adisutjipto Km 9 no 9B, Maguwoharjo. Depok – Sleman.
Yogyakarta 55282
Atau melalui email,
Paling Lambat Tanggal 20 Februari 2017
Untuk informasi lebih lengkap dapat dilihat di website: www.kinderstationschool.org
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